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Writing Samples



TV Production: Demo


The script to the right is my first project for a TV Production class, which was a demonstration video. This was our preliminary attempt at directing, and, since I had to go first out of the whole class, I chose the relaxing concept of origami to calm my nerves.


Please enjoy a tutorial on how to fold an origami fox with my favorite host, Rob Boss. 

TV Production: Infomercial 


This script is my final project from the same TV Production course from before, but I was lucky enough to direct last out of the class. Therefore, I had time to construct humorous dialogue in a format I thought was funny.


Please enjoy this parody on old Billy Mays-style infomercials, featuring the #1 energy drink of NCSU students: Bang Energy!

60s Commercial: Cookie Cake


To the right is a commercial writing exercise to familiarize myself with writing in the two-column format for video production that isn't done live (like the previous TV Prod. examples). 


Follow along to find out if cookies or cake are the real supreme dessert snack. 

PSA for Safe Drinking in College


Another script writing exercise is on the left from a media-writing course I took in college. It's in the style of a PSA commercial, similar to "The Real Cost" and "Truth" commercials seen commonly online. 


Please take a moment to read about the cautions of unsafe drinking practices in college.

30s Commercial: Winter Guard


On the right is a quick-write exercise for creating the loose foundations of a commercial storyboard in 5 minutes. I chose to highlight WGI World Championships, since it's a huge event to people in the community, but relatively unknown to those outside the activity.


Winter Guard (WG) is a performance art and lends itself well to visual formats, so a video commercial is the ideal option.  

Game Studies:

Game Studies

Walking Simulators Research


One of my more refined academic works from a Game Studies class I took in my senior year.


I chose to write about the sub-genre of walking simulators and their impact on how games presented narratives. The opportunities newly presented, the impact on existing gameplay, and insights on why walking simulators are so controversial are discussed at-length here.

Discussion of the "Magic Circle"


This paper from a Game Studies class I told for my Media concentration peers into the topic of the "magic circle", and investigates why it's such a critical factor to creating successful immersive experiences.


The "magic circle" is the key to finding an escape to the fictional realities so many games, movies, and more offer.

Media Analysis:

Media Analysis

Media Interaction Analysis


To the right is a short research experiment conducted while taking a multi-media production course.


For the project, I had to create memes and post them across a variety of platforms to record the following interactions. It was an interesting look at how social media analytics work, especially in regards to the content posted.

Social Media Analysis


This academic work looks into the connection between major topics of a critical media analysis course. Learning the way concepts intertwine gives valuable insight into how real-life applications play off each other. 


A little study into Instagram and targeted ads can't hurt in this day and age either.

International Media Trends Research


Continuing on the research of how content, platform, and presentation affect consumer interaction, this formal comparative analysis looks into the way K-beauty and US-based beauty represent themselves through social media.

Twine Project:

Twine project


Twine Game Playthrough & HTML files


(COM) Research:

(COM) Research

Communication Research


This purely academic piece looks at the intersection of stereotypes, racism, and culture through the lens of critical media. 



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